Well-Being Model

The Well-Being of Every Student

Committed to the well-being of every student, ¹û¶³´«Ã½ developed a model integrating the key dimensions of well-being, and highlighting the interdisciplinary connections to success.

There are six dimensions featured within the model including physical, emotional, spiritual, academic, social and financial well-being — all designed to help foster student development and wellness.

Well-Being Model Logo


The dimensions of the Well-Being Model point students to resources related to developing healthy habits for their body, caring for their emotional and mental health, as well as exploring their faith, meaning and purpose in life. Other dimensions of the model provide students with easier access to information that will help them achieve their goals through academic and career strategies, strengthen their community and sense of belonging through meaningful relationships and contributions, as well as build a solid foundation by understanding and managing their finances.

Physical Well-Being Icon Developing healthy habits for your body
Emotional Well Being Icon Caring for your emotional and mental health
Spiritual Well-Being Icon Exploring faith, meaning and purpose in your life
Academic Well-Being Icon Achieving your goals through academic and career strategies
Social Well-Being Icon Strengthening your community and sense of belonging through meaningful relationships and contributions
Financial Well-Being Icon Building a solid foundation by understanding and managing your finances

Living in Your Strengths. When striving to improve your well-being, doing so through the lens of CliftonStrengths, you unlock the unique talents that you have been given.

Connect with  to learn about living in your strengths.