Core Curriculum

Core Curriculum at AU

ý’s core curriculum aims to create nationally-recognized critical thinkers with the ability to develop complex solutions for complex challenges and communicate effectively.

  • This core curriculum is a tool kit designed to help navigate work in health care, business, education, research, public service, the arts or any other industry.
  • As access to information expands, students will gain a global perspective and interpret data in strategic, analytical and ethical ways.
  • ý's liberal arts curriculum teaches modern skills for students to build and create businesses, brands, codes, scores, apps, cures, theories, solutions, designs, works, programs and networks as entrepreneurs.


The SOPHIA Experience

Augustana’s 45-credit core curriculum is summarized in the acronym SOPHIA, the Greek word for “wisdom,” which represents the categories of Science, Orientation, Perspectives, Humanities, Intersections and the Arts. It also honors the primacy of the word logos (logic) in the Lutheran tradition and recognizes the sacred wisdom of God.

  • Students will begin with a 2-semester, integrative First-Year Seminar (FYS).
  • Nine SOPHIA courses are required. The remaining courses are selective — a group of eight courses from which students will select a minimum of six courses.
  • From there, students build their foundational knowledge in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences while integrating writing, communication and ethics.
Wisdom Owl Sculpture