How to Find a Job or Internship

It's important to make your best first impression and have a comprehensive search strategy. Follow the tips below and connect with the Student Success Center to learn more.

  • Connect with your success advisor for personal assistance. We can provide guidance throughout the job/internship search process. Resume and cover letter writing, mock interviews and job search strategies are all topics we can cover with you in a one-on-one setting.
  • Use campus resources such as Augie Opportunities. Browse the list of internships and project-based positions posted at
  • Scan commercial search engines to locate opportunities, such as your , Chamber of Commerce (e.g., ), or any of the search engines found .
  • Lead with your best impression. Contact the Success Center for input on your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and interview responses. Your interview could occur virtually or in-person - we can help you prepare for either scenario.
  • Introduce yourself. In the current job market, many employers are in need of employees. Take the initiative to introduce yourself. Contact the Student Success Center to .
  • Engage in ongoing networking. The Student Success Center, AU faculty, Volunteer Services Office, and the Alumni Association are all willing to network on your behalf. Couple this with your own activities. Attend virtual and in-person networking events and talk with everyone you know about potential opportunities.
  • Contact the of your respective academic department. Internship coordinators have valuable contacts for students seeking experience and serve as the supervisor for your credit bearing internship experience. For every hour of credit you elect to earn, you must complete 40 hours of work. A typical internship for credit is 3 credit hour (120 hours of work). If you are unable to complete 120 hours in one semester, you may need to take an IP (in progress) grade and finish the hours later with either the same employer or another approved employer. You have a year to complete the hours. Some faculty may choose alternative experiential assignments, such as common readings or reflective writing, for you to complete. 
  • Stay engaged vocationally. As you seek an internship, it is important to remember that valuable hands-on experience comes in many different forms. You could engage in scholarship such as case study analysis, literature reviews, policy analysis, and creative projects. Volunteering for a local non-profit may also provide a sense of meaning. Demonstrate initiative by learning something new, such as a foreign language, social media certification, computer code, theoretical approach, or technology program. Thoroughly examine a common debate in your field and formulate a response. Even if you elect not to earn credit or are not paid, stay engaged vocationally! These activities are a source of quality narrative you can share during future graduate school or employment interviews.
  • Protect yourself from fraudulent opportunities and employment scams
    The Student Success Center carefully screens employers and positions posted in Augie Opportunities, but job seekers must exercise caution and good judgment when responding to employers. Possible signs of a fraudulent employer include the following:
  • Watch for anonymity; if it is difficult to find an address, contact, or employer name then proceed with caution.
  • The organization's website doesn't link to the right organization or has limited information.
  • When you search the employer's phone or email, they do not appear connected to an actual organization.
  • When you search the organization and "scam" (i.e. Acme Company Scam), the results show several scam reports.
  • The contact email address is not a primary domain or doesn't match the organization (i.e., or rather than
  • The employer contacts you by phone, however, there is no way to call them back.
  • The employer says they do not have an office in your area and need you to get it established (these postings often include a request for your banking information, supposedly to help the employer make transactions).
  • The employer immediately requests personal information such as a photo, social security number, driver's license, gift cards, or financial information.
  • The employer offers you a job without meeting or interacting with you.
  • The employer's address is a residential neighborhood.
  • The opportunity focuses on money to be made or indicates a compensation higher than the average compensation for that position type, often for very little work.
  • If you encounter questionable postings in Augie Opportunities or other online sites, end communication with the employer and notify the Student Success Center. We will work with Campus Safety and can help you determine if you also need to alert the police.