Student Success Center Needs-Based Fund

Statue of Ole on AU's campus

Through a partnership with the Augustana Student Association, the Student Success Center Needs-Based Fund provides limited financial support to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet expenses due to financial hardship. Decisions regarding disbursement of funds are made on a case-by-case basis and students should consult with the Office of Financial Aid, the International Programs Office and/or the Student Success Center. Awards are not considered loans and do not require repayment. Some funds may be considered income and are therefore subject to federal taxes.

All applications must be submitted one week prior to the start of each semester. Applications turned in after deadline will not be reviewed. Funding allocation is only awarded for a maximum of one semester. If needed for a longer period, students must re-apply prior to the start of each semester.

What is Covered by This Fund

  • Transportation for experiential learning opportunities through Lyft

What is not Covered by This Fund (Not an Exhaustive List)

  • Transportation to site other than confirmed experiential learning site
  • Transportation that is readily available through Sioux Area Metro

Eligibility Requirements

  • Students seeking allocation for transportation and textbooks should be currently enrolled as Augustana students and, through the Office of Financial Aid or the International Programs Office, demonstrate financial need.


  • Sites must be approved by the Student Success Center
  • Due to fund limitations, full coverage of Lyft ride is not guaranteed
  • Priority will be given to locations which are not readily accessible via Sioux Area Metro

Other Places to Contact for Assistance

  • Financial Aid — Call 605.274.5216 to discuss federal aid and student loan options for which you may qualify. 
  • 211— Call for a comprehensive list of financial and support services offered by the


  • Applications should be filled out and returned to the Student Success Center. All applications will be reviewed by the Success Center along with the Office of Financial Aid and/or the International Programs Office.
  • The Success Center uses an equity-based awarding system. Funding amounts vary based on the time of year. Students may direct questions to