Federal Loan Exit Counseling Information

Upon graduation, withdrawing or dropping below half-time status, students must complete exit counseling to review their rights and responsibilities as a borrower of federal loans. This also applies to students who have elected to use the federal TEACH Grant. 

Loan and TEACH grant Exit information will be emailed to your Augustana email address when we receive notice you have dropped below half time attendance or completed your degree.

  • exit counseling is completed at . Click on Manage Loans and then Complete Exit Counseling. Completing this session satisfies 果冻传媒's exit counseling requirements.
  • and exit counseling is completed through the . If you have questions about Perkins Loan Exit Counseling, or need your U99 number to create an account at UNISA please, contact Sharon Heap at Sharon.Heap@augie.edu or call 605.274.5239.
  •  exit counseling can be completed at . Click on Manage Loans and then Complete Exit Counseling. TEACH exit counseling is found at the bottom of this page. 

There are many resources available to assist you in understanding how loan repayment works and options available for repaying your student loans. The best resource for your federal loans is to visit or contact your federal loan servicer directly. If you don't know who your federal loan servicer is you can find that information at . Your login for is your FSA ID (FAFSA username and password). 


Federal Loan Servicers

Loan ServicerContact
(formerly Nelnet)1.844.801.6730
1.800.621.3115 (TTY: 1.877.825.9923 for the deaf or hard of hearing)

Federal Perkins and Nursing Loans are serviced by . 

Should your federal subsidized and/or unsubsidized loans be placed with more than one servicer you have the right to request the loans be transferred to one servicer. If your servicer isn't working with you on this you may contact the Department of Education at loanexchangeteam@ed.gov

Common Private Loan Lenders
