For students who withdraw from the institution, the amount of a student's tuition and fees will be refunded 100% during the first seven days of the term. Beginning with the eighth calendar day of the term, tuition refunds will be recalculated on a prorated basis. The proration is determined by dividing the number of calendar days completed in the term by the total number of calendar days in the term. Room and meal charges will be refunded on a prorated basis beginning with the first day of the term. No refund is made after 60% of the term has passed. If the applicable date falls on a weekend, the prior Friday's date will be used. Credit balances are returned to the student via direct deposit within 14 calendar days of the disbursement date.
ATTENTION: Students Enrolled for Interim Only 鈥 Normally, up to four credit hours taken during the January Interim is free of charge to the student IF the student is enrolled full-time during either the preceding fall term or the subsequent spring term, or both. A student who enrolls ONLY for Interim may be may be entitled to a refund of paid charges. 100% refund of tuition will occur for the first two days of the term. Beginning with the third day of the term tuition refunds will be recalculated on a prorated basis mirroring the policy listed above. No refund is made after 60% of the Interim term has passed.