Fighting Food Insecurity

Fight Food Insecurity at AU

In Fall 2019, and partnered with the , , Campus Ministry, , Serving and Learning Together (SALT), and Student Affairs to create a trio of programs aimed at fighting food insecurity within ¹û¶³´«Ã½'s campus community.

Fight Food Insecurity

Campus Cupboard

Campus Cupboard is a food pantry that provides non-perishable food and personal hygiene items to members of the Augustana community.

  • Campus Cupboard is open and staffed throughout the fall and spring semesters at two different locations — the Edith Mortenson Center and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.
  • Those who visit will be asked to show an Augustana ID, but no identifiable information will be collected or kept.

Wagoner Student Street 

Located in the Edith Mortenson Center

  • Weekdays | 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (not including holidays)

Our Savior's Lutheran (OSL) Church

Located at the bottom of the stairs

  • Wednesdays | 4-7 p.m.
  • Thursdays | 4-7 p.m.
  • Sundays | 9-11 a.m.


Sign up as a group or individually to volunteer:


The Campus Cupboard is supported through community donations. Non-perishable food and/or personal hygiene donations can be dropped off at Student Affairs or OSL during business hours. At OSL, items can be left in the cart within the main doors.

  • may be used for either Campus Cupboard location as need arises.

At this time, the Campus Cupboard is particularly in need of vegetarian protein options to ensure we can meet the dietary and cultural needs of our students. While always welcome, the cupboard has a surplus of canned vegetables. While fridge/freezer space is limited, below is a list of items the cupboard is always looking for:

  • Lentils (dried or canned) — Versatile and packed with protein
  • Canned beans – Quick and easy vegetarian protein
  • Nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter) – Popular, shelf-stable and protein-rich
  • Canned chickpeas — A perfect base for salads, curries and more
  • Quinoa – High in protein and quick to prepare
  • Couscous – Another easy-to-make grain for students
  • Pasta – An easy and affordable meal base
  • Dry oats or oatmeal packets – Quick and easy breakfast option
  • Individually packaged nuts and seeds (sunflower seeds, almonds, etc.) – A healthy, portable snack
  • Canned soups or stews – Perfect for busy schedules
  • Ramen and Instant Mac and Cheese are always very popular.

Swipe Out Hunger

Sodexo, Swipe Out Hunger and Augustana have partnered to establish a for students experiencing food insecurity. Upon request, meals from the bank will be added to a student's ID card — available to use by swiping in at the Ordal Dining Hall. To learn more or request meals, visit .

Contact Us


Office of Student Affairs