ý student Olivia Bertino ‘23 is a journalism, Spanish, business administration and marketing quadruple major from Omaha, Nebraska. She is interning this summer at — part of a national network of outdoor Levitt music venues dedicated to strengthening the social fabric of communities through free summer concerts. Bertino was given the opportunity to design Levitt’s print materials ahead of the concert series, and now acts as an event facilitator.
Q: What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
A: I am the editor-in-chief of The Augustana Mirror, a tutor in the Writing Center and work for Megan Raposa ‘15 for her weekly newsletter, Sioux Falls Simplified.
Q: What are your career goals/aspirations?
A: My list of majors usually say this on its own, but I have quite a few career goals. I’d like to eventually run a publication, whatever that will look like when I arrive at that point in my life. I also hope to get my master’s degree in communications to mesh my journalism and marketing skills, and potentially keep studying to teach collegiately. More immediately, though, I love both my work in marketing for a nonprofit and writing for a newsletter, so I’m hoping I can spend some time in the “adult world” doing both before I dive into one set career choice.
Q: Where or how did you hear about Augustana?
A: I was searching through potential choices on a college finder database based on the best journalism programs at small private schools. I was playing softball in Sioux Falls one summer and figured I might as well take a look at campus.
Q: What is/are the reason(s) you chose to come to Augustana?
A: What made Augustana stick was my first visit on campus during my sophomore year of high school. I was able to meet Dr. Jeffrey Miller, professor of journalism, and he immediately took a personal interest in my academic and vocational goals. I knew he had my best interest at heart, and I trusted him to teach and prepare me for a career in journalism. I also just loved the feel of the campus, and the city of Sioux Falls was this hidden Midwestern gem. Augustana was the first school I toured, and I knew it was my one and only choice, and the only school I applied to.
Q: What will your job duties include?
A: This spring, I was responsible for all of the print marketing materials for the Levitt. I put together our season brochure, a 48-page full-color document. I also made our “rack card,” which is a half-page size paper with the concert schedule and other information. Those are both given to all of the sponsors, donors, board members, as well as handed out at every concert. There are a bunch of other things I designed — giant banners, hand fans, magnets, posters, social media posts and more. Now that the concerts have started, I mostly help with set up and tear down, which includes a lot of “zhooshing,” as our team calls the design. I’m our photographer for every concert, I manage our social media, help collect surveys on the lawn and act as another friendly face for our patrons.
Q: How did you get the internship? Did anyone help you? What did that journey look like?
A: I was looking online for marketing internships to satisfy my credit, and I remembered that Director of Journalism Dr. Janet Blank-Libra had started her regular mass disbursement of internship opportunities, so I sorted through some of those. After reading through the desired responsibilities and hours, it seemed like the perfect fit. All the skills they lacked or needed more of were the ones I was most practiced in, like Adobe systems and DSLR cameras. I submitted my resume and cover letter, a few days later we scheduled an interview, and a few days after that, I was hired. From discovery to my first day was only about two weeks. The Levitt was excited to start and I was excited to meet everyone and get rolling.
Q: What do you like most about your internship?
A: The Levitt team is a tiny-but-mighty family. Everyone is so kind, loving and supportive all of the time. I constantly feel appreciated and respected for everything I do. Our executive director, Nancy Halverson, is the best example I could ask for. She’s always poised, positive, strong and a natural leader. I’m lucky to be around that every day. My supervisor Rose Ann Hofland is the most understanding boss I think I’ve ever met. She trusts me with big projects and then supports me where I need the help. Jacob Miller ‘14 is our new director of operations, and he is so caring and considerate. He’s the one that makes sure I’ve eaten or put on sunscreen or taken care of myself before I devote time to my job. And, Laura Mullen, our volunteer coordinator, is fiercely happy and loving. She brings us treats all the time, but she looks out for us all and is protective of the whole team. I’m just lucky to be around such wonderful people who love and support me every day.
Q: What do you hope to learn/gain from the internship?
A: I wanted an internship where I could gain some clips for my resume, and I’ve definitely gotten those. I’ve made so many materials to showcase my abilities for future jobs. I was also very excited to make new connections. Because the Levitt is run off of donations and sponsorships from the community, I’ve met a lot of notable people in the Sioux Falls community. There are a lot of familiar faces in the business world for me now, and those are so valuable for anyone looking to enter the working world.
Q: Why is experiential learning so important to you in your future endeavors?
A: While my classes at Augustana are invigorating, it’s very different to take a test and answer essay questions about different topics than it is to actually apply those and create something meaningful for a company. My internship is a great link between the knowledge I gained at Augustana and the hands-on work I’ll be doing every day once I graduate.
Q: How important is building relationships/connections?
A: Sioux Falls might be the largest city in South Dakota, but it is a small world out there. Through my various internships, I’ve made connections between some of the larger businesses and organizations in the city, including Sanford and Avera Health, Lloyd Companies, multiple law firms, other marketing and printing firms and so many other stellar members of the Sioux Falls community.
Learn about the 2,000+ jobs and internships posted annually by the ý Student Success Center at Augie Opportunities.