Students are always encouraged to seek the assistance of the director of accessibility services in order to resolve any complaint informally. The director will make every effort to resolve the disagreement informally between the student and whomever (faculty member, department, service) the dispute involves and will do so in a timely manner. It is our hope to resolve concerns and find an acceptable solution before the situation intensifies.
Should the informal process not satisfactorily address the student鈥檚 concerns or the grievance arises out of a decision made by the Director of Accessibility Services regarding a student鈥檚 eligibility for academic or other accommodations, the student may choose to proceed with the formal grievance process. A formal grievance must include the following information in writing: student鈥檚 name, address, phone/cell number, email address, and student鈥檚 college identification number.
Please provide a detailed response to the following:
- Information about the alleged discrimination including a specific description regarding the action(s) or inaction(s) that precipitated the grievance as well as the date, place, and names of the persons involved;
- Efforts made to settle the complaint informally;
- Any documentation that supports the grievance;
- Remedy sought.
The executive director of the Student Success Center or designee will convene a Disability Grievance Committee for the purpose of completing a thorough investigation of the complaint of discrimination based on a qualified disability. All relevant individuals including the complainant and other persons involved in the grievance may be in attendance to provide information.
After the investigation is complete, the Executive Director or designee shall issue a written response to the student/complainant within 15 academic days from completion of the meeting(s) with the student and other persons involved in the grievance. This is the final institutional level of appeal.
While it is hoped the complainant can resolve a grievance within the campus process, he/she has the right to file any grievance directly to the U.S. Office of Civil Rights at any time. The statute of limitations for filing a complaint with OCR is 180 days from the time the incident occurred.