- Note Taking -- Realize that notetaking is a work in progress. Notes should always be changing by summarizing or adding to. The information that you are receiving while taking a class is dynamic and so your notes should be changing. Here a couple of methods besides the formal and informal notes that you are used to using:
- -- Graphic Organizers help you organize your notes in diagrams that you create. Graphic Organizers help you visualize the information in different ways than the usual note taking. Click on the link to see examples of Graphic Organizers and how you can use them.
- -- Cornell Notes is an excellent format to take class notes in. The Cornell method helps you space out the learning into three different segments or phases. The first phase is the preparation for class by preparing questions or terms to answer or define when taking notes. Phase two is taking the notes to answer and define the questions and terms and the third phase to summarize your notes when the class is over. Click on the link to get further information on the Cornell Method of taking notes.
- (our favorite note-taking app)